Linked list implementation in Python
class Node(object):
A Node is a single element in a linked list datastructure. It consists of two parts
1 - Data (Can be of any type)
2 - A reference to the next Node
If the next_node pointers happens to be null (None) it indicates that this is the
last element (Node) of the linked list
:param object:
def __init__(self, data, next_node): = data
self.next_node = next_node
class LinkedList(object):
A LinkedList class acts as a containers of all nodes.
We add an element into linked list by calling the add method with the data
In order to perform operations on a linked list we need a starting point i.e
the first node. This first node is always bind to the head of link. If
the list is empty the head variable will be None
:param object:
def __init__(self):
:param self:
self.head = None
self.size = 0
def add(self, data):
To add an element in a linked list we first create a node object with the data
and setting the head of linked list as pointer to the next_node of the node object
After creating a new node we set the head of linked list pointing to the last created node
| Node C -> Node B -> Node A | The last added not will always be on head
we also maintain the size of the linked list by incrementing it by 1 for every add operation
:param self
:param data
node = Node(data, self.head)
self.head = node
self.size += 1
def find(self, data):
To find an element in a linked list we start with the head of linked list.
We set a pointer variable current_node to the head and set a found flag to False
Then we loop by checking the current_node variable truthness. For every iteration we check
the current node data property to the value provided in the argument. If the value is matched
we set the found flag to True and break the loop. Otherwise we assign the next_node property to
current_node pointer to keep looping unless the next_node happens to be equal to None.
If the loop finishes without breaking it means that we have reached the last node without finding
the value thus return False
:param self
:param data
current_node = self.head
found = False
while current_node:
if == data:
found = True
current_node = current_node.next_node
return found
def remove(self, data):
To remove element from linked list we have to first find the node
We follow the same approach as in the find method except instead of returning True or False
We shift the pointer of previous_node to point to the next_node of current_node.
This will not actually delete the object but take it out of the chain.
:param self:
:param data:
current_node = self.head
previous_node = None
while current_node:
if == data:
if previous_node is None:
self.head = current_node
previous_node.next_node = current_node.next_node
self.size -= 1
return True
previous_node = current_node
current_node = current_node.next_node
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
linked_list = LinkedList()
Lets add few elements into our linked list
Find element with value 2
print linked_list.find(2)
Remove element with value 8
print linked_list.remove(8)
Check the size of list after removing one element
print linked_list.size
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